The Passion of Christ

Passion is something strong enough to push someone ahead. The Passion of Christ is something more profound. On the Palm Sunday, the Catholic Church celebrates the event that Jesus entering Jerusalem as a victory signifying the overpower on the eveils. But, the victory does not bear it in reality. The torture that ends Jesus' journey to Jerusalem was nothing but a sign to God's love to our fellable human nature.
How does this happen in our history? One thing we have always to keep in mind is that Jesus was a real human being. He, of course, has certain things uniquely different from others, but, he shares the same human nature. One of our deepest desires for life is the desire for power. We want to be in control of our work, our education, our friendships, our society, and even others. Power without limits drives people crazy. That's why we all keep far from those "power hungers".
The only supreme power of the universe is God. "God almighty", is of the last temptation to human nature. Do you want to be God, the God who can do anything he likes? The answer, even though we know is a joke, is always confirmative. However, if the question being led further: what kind of God you want to be? What if a God who suffers? Can God suffer? No! But, Jesus can suffer. Nobody desire for sufferings if there is not a noble reason. If God has to suffer, there must be something valuable enough for Him to suffer.
Then we come back to the essential point of Catholic faith: if there is anything that good enough to meet the sufferings of Jesus, this is Love. In daily life, we have the courage to face the music, to tackle with challenges; we could sacrifice a lot for our families, for your life goals, but, few could risk one's life even for those beloved ones. This is exactly what Jesus suffers for. He suffers, in order to love more, to love with his life.
Love is somthing desirable to everyone. But, few can live with it, because of sufferings go with it. Ideally, we try all means to peel off the sufferings wrapping this precious present, expecting that we could enjoy it with no cost of sufferings. This is where the problem begins. And this is why we all try to escape from a suffering love, this is how we often complain the "changing of love". But the truth is, can anyone love without cost, sacrifice, or even suffering? Can someone be responsible to others without taking any responsibility?


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